What are the requirements for blueberries for soil and …

Liu Drilling Machine: I want to plant blueberries in Wugong. I don't know if it is possible? Xiaowen: On this issue, the reporter interviewed Wei Yongxiang, dean of the Dalian Branch of the Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Wei Yongxiang sa

Peach Tree manages 4 issues in spring

The quality of Taoyuan's spring management directly determines the output and quality of peach fruit in the year, and will also have a greater impact on the production of the following year. Therefore, in the spring management, we must pay special attention to the following tasks. First, the

How to topdress the pomegranate tree in summer

Extra-root top dressing is foliar fertilizer, and a proper amount of fertilizer solution is evenly sprayed on the pomegranate leaves. One is to increase tree nutrition, increase yield, and improve fruit quality. Generally, fruit weight increases by 1.5% to

Garlic planting disease prevention

(1) Variety selection Planting local varieties can use individual plants to purify and rejuvenate year by year, and select disease-free fields and disease-free plants to plant garlic. This is also a way to select disease-free high-quality garlic varieties

Greenhouse celery water and fertilizer management has n…

First, the small water in the seedling stage is poured. When the celery buds top the soil, gently pour water and spray a new high-fat film, and 1-2 days of seedlings can be used. After that, keep the soil moist and a small amount of water. If the amoun

Tips for moisturizing oyster mushrooms

At present, one of the main reasons for the low yield of Pleurotus ostreatus is the low water content of the culture material after Pleurotus ostreatus is harvested. But at this time, the mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus has covered the entire culture mate

The reason why potted peony does not bloom

The reasons why potted peony does not bloom are as follows: 1. Improper trimming. The peony sprouting lychee is relatively strong and needs to be removed in time. Otherwise, it is easy to make the main branch grow weaker, affecting normal flowering or ev