Autumn pea high-yielding cultivation techniques

1, efficient planting mode: Intercropping with broad beans, a combination of 1.3 meters each, two rows of peas in the middle of a row of peas; intercropping with rapeseed, a combination of 1.5-1.6 meters each, two rows of peas in the middle row of rape; with garlic, spinach For intercropping, each 1.3 meters is a combination, two rows of peas intermediate planting (planting) two rows of vegetables, vegetables, small row spacing of 0.16-0.2 meters; mixed with wheat, silkworm, wheat seeding ratio of 3:7 is better. 2. Variety selection: Medium peas 3, 4 and 5 and white peas can be used. These varieties have strong growth potential, high yield of pea sprouts and green pea pods, good quality, good palatability, and strong cold resistance. 3, gargle selection: avoid continuous cropping, generally once every 4-5 years, before the selected crop or cereal crops. 4, Shizujifei: basal fertilizer should be phosphorus, potassium-based fertilizer, generally Mushi over 60-80 kg of calcium, potassium chloride 10-15 kg, Division of micro-fertilizer 1.5 kg, boron 0.5 kg; if the soil More barren, can apply 5-10 kg of urea. 5, appropriate sowing: October-November broadcast, drilling or sowing, spread spacing 50-70 centimeters, vertical spacing of 30 centimeters, acres of seeding about 5-7.5 kg, dressing with rhizobial bacteria, broadcast depth 5 centimeters or so. 6. Ditch System Support: The ditch system standard is similar to that of the wheat field ditch system. The seedling stage and the flowering and scab stage should be filled with water when it is dry; in the event of rain, drainage should be promptly eliminated. 7, seedling management: do a good job cultivating soil, the first time in the plant height 5-7 cm, the second time in the plant height of 15 cm, combined with weeding cultivator and earth. 8. Take a trip: The peas must be racked when the plant height is 30 cm. At the same time, some stalk shoots or picking hearts can be picked up before and after the Spring Festival. They can be picked every 7-10 days. 9, outside the root dressing: flowering and sowing period can be mu with 100-150 grams of active or potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.2-0.3 kilograms of water spray, can be sprayed 2-3 times, sprayed every 6-7 days; as fresh vegetables The pods should be harvested when the oyster shell is fully expanded and tender, usually 2-3 times. 10. Pest Control: Common diseases include rust, brown spot, and white astringent disease. It can be controlled by white carbendazim or carbendazim. Pests include locusts and peas. They can be controlled by enemy killing or quick killing.

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