Crunchy garlic production technology

Garlic is delicious, nutritious, and highly medicinal. However, garlic has a short shelf life, easy to germinate, easy to mold, and has a special odor, which directly affects the value of its diet. The crispy garlic flakes are white to creamy porous flakes. The preservation rate of allicin and amino acids is high. There are garlic and honey aromas, no odors and odors, and the effect is good. Its processing points are: 1 choice of materials - garlic matured, no insects and rotten degeneration phenomenon. 2 split flaps - the accepted Garti Chetty split. 3 Peeling – Pour garlic cloves into a peeling solution made of inorganic solvents and surface active substances, soak at 20-30°C for 3-4 minutes, remove and rinse with water. 4 slices - cut the peeled clove flaps with water to about 2mm thick slices. 5 Deodorization - Pour the garlic flakes into a deodorizing solution made of organic acid, β-cyclodextrin, and magnesium chloride, etc., soak at 50°C for 3 hours and then remove and rinse with fresh water. 6 Pretreatment - prepare 30% honey liquid in sugar storage jar, add quantitative sodium chloride, citric acid, calcium magnesium salt, licorice extract, cloves and other spices, and add 0.05% sodium benzoate, after mixing The colloid mill processing; then the deodorant garlic pieces into a vacuum impregnated tank, sealed evacuation to 0.09MPa; then open the sugar switch, sprayed into the liquid and maintained for 15 minutes, after inflating 40 minutes. The vacuum treatment is to prevent the browning of the garlic pieces, prevent the deformation of the garlic pieces, and improve the flavor of the garlic pieces. 7 vacuum drying - factors that affect product quality are vacuum, temperature, time, garlic sheet thickness and so on. The higher the vacuum, the crisper the product and the shorter the drying time. 8 Scenting - Use seasoning machines to spray different flavors on dried garlic slices. 9 grading packaging - garlic slices after cooling, weighing, vacuum packaging with composite plastic film vacuum.

Tattoo flash are prepared tattoo designs which are intended for use in rapid tattooing. Most visitors to tattoo shops have seen tattoo flash, as they are typically displayed in the walls and in portfolios to give customers an idea of the kind of work they can receive. Tattoo flash encompasses a wide range of styles and designs, and it can come from a variety of sources.

Originally, tattoo flash were designed by the artist, who would display flash so that customers could pick a tattoo they wanted. Artists would also modify flash or create custom pieces on request. Over time, artists started trading flash with each other, and also also selling tattooflash, disseminating styles and designs across a broad community. Ultimately, companies started hiring tattoo flash designers, who produce a high volume of pieces for commercial sale on individual sheets or in books of collected tattoo flash.

Some people look down upon tattoo flash, arguing that while it's fine to use flash for inspiration, tattoos really ought to be custom designed, to create a unique and original piece. Copying from flash can also have complex copyright implications; for example, a client who prints out a piece from the Internet and asks to get it as a tattoo might potentially be violating copyright laws, unless he or she has been given explicit consent to use the work.

Tattoo Design Book

Tattoo Design Book, Tattoo Flash Books

Redtop Tattoo Supply Co., Limited ,