How to raise cows in winter

With the advent of the winter, the constant decrease in temperature will directly affect the milk production of dairy cows. How to raise cows in winter? Doing the following things is the key. Temperature Many breeders only have snow geniuses to drive cattle into their houses during the winter season. They usually place cows in open-air yards. As the temperature drops, they cause the cows to consume more energy and seriously affect milk production. After entering the winter season, when the temperature falls below -15°C at night, the cows should be put into the sheds overnight to prevent the frostbite or excessive energy consumption, thereby affecting their milk production. It is advisable to keep the temperature in the cowhouse in the winter at 10 to 25°C. Excessive temperatures may also have a negative effect on cattle. The activity time in the stadium during the day should not exceed 4 hours. It is advisable to have two hours each in the morning and afternoon activities. Humidity When the cows all enter the pens, pay attention to the ventilation facilities in the barn, the barn humidity should not be too high, its relative humidity should not exceed 60%, otherwise it will cause the cows to be subjected to excessive external stimulation, resulting in milk production Falling, severe cases will suffer from some fungal-induced diseases. Many simple households made from plastic greenhouses often neglect ventilation facilities, making cows susceptible to detritus, resulting in reduced milk production. While controlling the temperature and humidity in the stables, attention should be paid to the sanitation of the surrounding environment of the cows. It is best to brush the cattle one to two times a day to keep the cows clean. Always put some dry straw in the cow’s bed. Cows sleep comfortably at night and create a healthy environment. Supply of juicy feed Many dairy farmers believe that the yield of milk in winter is not as high as in summer. This is actually a misunderstanding. The reason is that the farmers did not feed the cows with succulent feed during the winter and they were only fed concentrates and corn stalks or hay each day. This resulted in a reduction in milk production due to a single feed ingredient. In winter, cows should be fed more succulent feed such as silage, micro-storage, or brewers' grains to replace the succulent green feedstuff fed by cows in summer and autumn. Practice has shown that the yield of dairy cows fed silage or micro-feed in the winter is nearly doubled than that of cows that are not fed silage or micro-feeds. It can be seen that if the cows are fed enough succulent feed in winter, their milk production can be increased. The supply of concentrate into the winter dairy cows, due to changes in the external environment, will inevitably lead to the consumption of dairy energy, the main feed used to supplement its energy is corn, in the premise of the same protein feed, corn to increase the amount of 20% ~50%. Daily supply of concentrate to high-yielding dairy cows (over 35 kg of daily milk) (ie, energy feed and protein feed compound feed) should be 6-8 kg, and for general milk-producing cattle, not more than 3 kg daily . Water Many dairy cow keepers directly feed tap water or well water to cows when they drink water in winter. It is very easy for the water to freeze due to the cold weather to form hail water. Dairy cows avoid drinking ice water. Because hail water is prone to indigestion, which induces digestive tract diseases and seriously affects milk production. It is best to heat water to 10-30°C when drinking water for cows. If drinking water in cow houses, the problem is easily solved. . It should be pointed out that dairy cows need water supply throughout the day and should not press Water. A cow with a single production capacity of 5 tons needs at least 100 kg of water per day. Insufficient water supply to dairy cows in winter can directly lead to a decline in milk milk production and trigger other functional disorders. The supply of calcium, phosphorus and salt is due to the sole composition of fodder for dairy cows in winter. In the feed, it must be formulated with appropriate amounts of calcium and phosphorus. The general method is 5 to 15 grams per day, and the roots of dairy cows have different stages of lactation. Different quantities are used to determine the specific dosage. However, the salt supply is not to be added to the feed in proportion. It is advisable to allow the dairy cows to feed on their own. Salt bricks and salt troughs can be purchased to prevent cows from salt poisoning or salt More and bring other bad diseases. In short, keeping cows is a business that requires patience and carefulness. While giving the cow a comfortable environment, we must pay attention to the feeding method of the rough material. When feeding, we should first coarse and then fine, and in the winter, we must add more juicy and coarse material. The amount of energy feed (corn) in concentrates should be increased accordingly. In addition, the addition of vitamins and minerals is also indispensable. To allow cows to drink clean and warm water, to minimize the stimulation of the cows from the external environment. Dairy cows will produce more milk for us, so that we can achieve the purpose of raising dairy cows and benefit more dairy farmers.

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