Brain gold eggs with DHA, EPA

The natural characteristics of natural eggs rich in brain gold are rich in DHA and EPA. The results of contemporary scientific research prove that DHA and EPA have the following features and effects: 1. What is DHA? DHA refers to the English acronym of docosahexaenoic acid, a highly unsaturated fatty acid contained in a small number of marine organisms. Scientific research shows that no such substances have been found in terrestrial plants. In modern diets, these ingredients are few. Because of its important role in the development of intelligence, intelligence, memory enhancement, prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc., and it is rare and delicate, it has been hailed as "brain gold" by scientists. In recent years, DHA capsules, DHA milk powder and other DHA health products have been put on the market and are highly favored by consumers. 2. The intelligence of DHA and intellectuals includes observation ability, memory ability, thinking ability, imagination ability and practical ability. Its foundation lies in the function of the brain. High IQs, which are usually called brains. To have a good brain, in addition to the congenital genetic factors, there is an educational role and the nutritional role of food. Modern scientific research proves that food nutrition plays an important role in the improvement of intelligence. Some people even say, "Smart is to eat it." This mainly means that the human brain needs a certain amount of nutrition in the process of growing up. It also consumes energy in daily brain activities and needs to constantly supplement reasonable nutrition. If the nutrition is insufficient or unreasonable, it will inevitably affect the development of the brain, thus affecting Its function Professor John Croft of the British Brain Nutrition Research Institute pointed out: Edible aquatic products have a brain-brain effect and can make people smarter. He said that "the ancestors of humans have gradually developed their brains due to feeding fish-based aquatic products." "Japan's children have higher IQs than European and American children and often eat fish and other aquatic products." He believes that aquatic products are The substance of brain action is mainly that aquatic products contain a highly unsaturated fatty acid called DHA at work. This type of highly unsaturated fatty acid is mainly found in the fats of marine plants and animals, and it has little or no content in terrestrial and animal plants. It is also pointed out that DHA is closely related to the development of the brain and can improve the function of the brain. Professor Croft’s arguments have aroused the interest of scientists from the United States, France, Japan, Germany, and Italy. In particular, Japan, known as a “fish-producing country,” pays more attention. From civil society to the government, from universities to research institutions, Research topics. Experts and professors from the Japan Agricultural Aquatic Products Research Institute and the Department of Pharmacy of Nagoya University have conducted repeated experiments. The results show that regular consumption of foods containing DHA can indeed increase brain activity and increase intelligence. For example, Professor Okuji Maeda of Nagoya University used rats in two groups to test the memory and learning performance of mice. One group of foods fed with DHA and one group of foods fed with DHA were placed in a test box. If the light is on, there is food on the pedal; when the light is off, the pedal is pressed and there is no food. As a result, rats who ate DHA showed significantly fewer errors, indicating that this group had good memory. Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Food Research Institute Nutrition Laboratory, will stop feeding mice for 24 hours into the maze to find water to drink experiments. As a result, the rats in the food group containing DHA quickly found water in the maze, and the control group eventually found no water. This shows that mice fed DHA became smart. In order to exchange research results on the effects of DHA on the brain, an international DHA seminar was held on October 17, 1990 in Tokyo, Japan. At the meeting, experts and scholars from various countries studying brain nutrition were gathered. Participants affirmed the argument that DHA can make people smart. According to the findings of contemporary scientific research, the human brain is a rather complex and special organ with more than 14 billion brain cells. In addition to water, 60% of its weight is composed of lipids, and DHA is the "rebar." Is a "basic component" of brain cell mitochondria, microsomes and synapses. The division and proliferation of brain cells require a large supply of phospholipids and DHA to be supplied continuously (DHA accounts for more than 65%). If the supply is insufficient, brain cells fail to form, the number of brain cells is small, and intelligence is low, and severe cases become dementia. On the other hand, in addition to neurons, brain cells also have projections called axons and dendrites. Adjacent axons and dendrites are linked to each other to transmit information. Whether or not the protrusions are developed is an important factor affecting a person's IQ. . The continuous extension of brain cell processes and the emergence of new processes require the participation of DHA, such as the lack of brain cells or protrusions that do not extend normally, the nervous system cannot maintain normal function, information transmission is not smooth, and intelligence is necessarily low. Therefore, DHA is an essential substance for human brain development and IQ development. Another study also showed that: DHA has a great impact on the visual, brain activity, fat metabolism, fetal growth, and immune function and to avoid senile dementia, a lack of time can lead to a series of symptoms, including growth retardation, abnormal skin scales, Infertility, mental retardation, etc. From the above, it can be seen that Britain has been circulated with the idea that "people who eat more fish are clever", and folks in our country also say that eating fish can help brains. This is based on scientific evidence. If you want to be smart day by day, you should eat more seafood with more DHA. 3, pregnant women, infants and DHA Human beings are called "the spirit of all things", but there is no lack of "spirit" in "the spirit of all things." They often show ignorance, ignorance, staying, and mental retardation, and some of them are the same when they come out of their mother's womb. Back to the source, many of them are closely related to their diet during pregnancy. It is well known that the degree of brain development is the material basis for children’s intelligence. Medical research confirms that during the first trimester of pregnancy, the mother's embryo develops rapidly and the organs are formed. The formation of the brain is the peak of fetal brain cell growth within 2 to 4 and a half months after conception. From the second trimester to the sixth month of life, the brain and retina develop fastest. At this time, dietary nutrition and nutritional structure of pregnant women are extremely important for the growth and development of fetal brain cells. The DHA in the human brain is mainly derived from maternal and breast milk. DHA through the placenta into the fetal liver and brain, women 6-9 months of pregnancy, the fetal brain development is the most DHA moments, pregnant women want to develop a smart baby, you need to be able to ensure adequate intake of DHA supply to the fetus brain normal The growth and development, because before the birth of the fetus, brain differentiation has been completed 70% -80%, and in early birth (0-2 years of age), the brain can be differentiated by feeding breastmilk rich in DHA to complete the remaining 20% ​​-30% . However, artificial feeding of infants and premature infants who do not eat breastmilk can easily result in a deficiency of DHA, which is often not as vigorous as that of infants with sufficient DHA intake. At the same time, mothers eat more foods containing DHA, so that maternal breast fullness, milk filling. The Food Guideline recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1995 clearly stipulated that infant formula should contain DHA. In developed countries such as the United States and Japan, DHA must be added to all types of infant food. Many scholars in China advise pregnant women and maternity women that they should eat more DHA-rich aquatic products for the sake of a smart child in the future. If the period of fetal brain cell division and proliferation is missed, it will be difficult to make up for it later. According to survey data, the content of DHA in the milk of Japanese women and European and American women varies greatly. The content of DHA per 100 ml is 7 mg for Americans, 10 mg for Australians, and 22 mg for Japanese. It shows that the Japanese eat more aquatic products and infants can get sufficient DHA from breast milk. 4. Children, adolescents, and DHA Children and young people attending school continue to learn, remember, and accept new knowledge. It is precisely during these periods that they need to stimulate brain cells. When brain cells are stimulated, the protrusion of the cells will be extended, and the phospholipids containing DHA are indispensable substances for promoting the elongation of brain cells. Only by supplementing substances containing DHA in a timely manner, the connection between nerve cells can be strengthened, information can be transmitted quickly and smoothly, and academic performance can be continuously improved. Of course, adults are in a busy period of work, they need energy, and they are quick and decisive. The brain is very nervous and constantly replenishing foods containing DHA can clear the head. Therefore, DHA is an indispensable nutrient in every period of life. If you want your child to be smart and you want to be agile, you should eat more DHA-rich foods to ensure the special nutrition of brain cells. 5. Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases and EPA In today's world, the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are listed as one of the three major deaths and have become the greatest threat to human life. The important reason is that the cholesterol and triglyceride content in the blood of the body is too high, which causes atherosclerosis. In addition, the blood viscosity is high and the blood flow is not smooth. If the blood vessels leading to the brain are blocked, there will be cerebral insufficiency. Even platelet aggregation suffers from cerebral thrombosis; if the coronary artery leading to the heart is blocked, it may cause myocardial insufficiency resulting in angina, arrhythmia, and even myocardial blockage. In order to prevent the occurrence of these diseases, scientists suggest not to eat too much animal saturated fat to reduce blood lipids. In 1977, the Danish doctor Dr. Debergh published the report “DHA and EPA are effective ingredients for preventing and treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.” The report points out that Eskimos living in Greenland for generations are living in fishing and hunting, and their living environment is extremely poor. The work is highly stressful, with high-fat fur seals, seals, and fish meat as staple foods, and hardly any grains or vegetables are seen. These are all important factors in inducing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and will result in shorter life spans. However, the Eskimos have the lowest incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the world, and they do not have diabetes. Their lifespan is among the highest in the world. The reason is that the high-fat meats they ingest are rich in DHA and EPA. American scientists and medical workers then conducted a similar investigation with Dr. Deborg and reached the same conclusion. The multidisciplinary studies of biochemical, pharmacological, and nutritional studies conducted by scientists in various countries showed that the highly unsaturated fatty acids DHA and EPA contained in fish oil have a variety of physiological functions. The main ones are: to promote the formation of prostaglandins, to prevent the formation of thromboxanes; to transform into anti-platelet aggregation factors, so that blood vessels expand, can promote the viscosity of platelets to reduce, so that the blood in the human body is more smooth, not easy to cause condensation; can reduce blood in the low The content of density lipoprotein and ultra-low density lipoprotein increase the content of high-density lipoprotein; it can effectively reduce the content of triglyceride and cholesterol in the blood, which is very beneficial to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and even has Scholars also believe that the current use of fish oil to prevent and treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as lowering blood lipids, lowering blood pressure, reducing platelet aggregation, improving cardiac function, and preventing the effect of thromboxane formation are unmatched by other drugs. Therefore, it can be said that DHA, EPA is a longevity of the "Phantom Dan", prevention and treatment of cardio-cerebral vascular disease "magic". 6. DHA, EPA and diabetes Diabetes mellitus is mainly characterized by disorders of glucose metabolism and fat metabolism due to insulin deficiency (Type I) or poor effects (Type II). DHA, EPA can not only improve the fat metabolism, reduce the chance of diabetics complicated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also improve glucose metabolism. For example, C. von Schacky's research report states: "The experimental study of 69 patients achieved a significant effect and its effect was dose-dependent. Observations were based on fasting blood glucose levels and persuasive glycosylated Hba1 values. None of the effects of -3 fatty acids on glucose metabolism resulted in worsening glucose metabolism in patients." Dr. Deberger's follow-up study of Eskimos also proved "no diabetes." Prof. Wang Jianzhong's research stated that after treatment with DHA and EPA in diabetic patients, the capillary permeability of albumin is greatly reduced, blood pressure is decreased, and HDL-cholesterol (high density) is increased, VLDL-cholesterol (low density) and triglycerides are increased. Significantly reduced and clinical symptoms improved." 7, DHA, EPA and brain atrophy Alzheimer's brain atrophy, Alzheimer's disease is a manifestation of brain dysfunction, mainly the "hippocampus" part of the number of nerve cells, individual cells, "axons" and "dendrites" atrophy, nerves Obstacles to the network and information transmission are blocked. The performance is judgement, reduced directional power, poor memory, discourse incoherence, and incomprehensible work. There are two causes of senile dementia: the first is vascular dementia, which is caused by cerebrovascular disorders, mainly due to cerebral arteriosclerosis and brain cell insufficiency; and the other is due to degeneration of brain cells. This is due to the extensive death of nerve cells, in particular, the protrusion of nerve cells in the hippocampus is broken, broken or disappeared, and the extension of the protrusions is reduced. Both cases are mixed Alzheimer's disease. DHA and EPA can reduce the blood viscosity, prevent the formation of thrombus in the blood vessels of the brain, and also can soften the blood vessels, lower the blood pressure, and avoid the cerebral hemorrhage. Therefore, the brain tissue can timely obtain the necessary nutrition and maintain good memory and learning functions. For degenerative dementia patients, if they can eat foods rich in DHA and EPA, they can also improve their condition. Since DHA participates in the manufacture of essential proteins and protrusion-producing membranes for the extension of biblical cells, if the brain is supplemented with DHA, it may cause the atrophy of the brain cells to prolong and regenerate the damaged neural network. In addition to any Alzheimer's patient, not all brain cells die. If conditions can be created, residual brain cells can also play a role. If sufficient DHA is supplied, it may cause new brain cells to grow up, supplement or replace the function of dead brain cells, and improve thinking ability and memory. Therefore, for the elderly, especially people with a significant drop in memory, eating foods rich in DHA and EPA can prevent senile dementia. At present, products such as "brain clear", "brainless", "3A can't forget" and the like on the market are DHA and EPA.

The distinct features of our 2015 new crop China taro are as follows: 
1) Complete body, clean surface, white pulp, no worm-eaten and no stain and fleck. 
2) High nutritional value: Amylum, protein, vitamin, minerals and many other healthy nutrients. 

3) They can be the wonderful flavors for cooking and be helpful for keeping healthy. 

The Fresh Taro is the typical of leaf vegetables, taro leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are a good
source of thiamin, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, and zinc, and a very good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, niacin, 

potassium, copper, and manganese. Taro corms are very high in starch, and are a good source of dietary fiber. 

Oxalic acid may be present in the corm and especially in the leaf, and these foods should be eaten with milk or other

foods rich in calcium in order to remove the oxalate in the digestive tract.
The small round variety is peeled and boiled, sold frozen, bagged in its own liquids, or canned. The plant is actually

 inedible when raw because of needle-shaped raphides(calcium oxalate) in the plant cells


Fresh Taro

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