Fast-growing cattle technology in plastic greenhouses

In the winter (from the beginning of November to the end of the next April), the shelf-strength beef is fed with a full house feed for about 65 days to strengthen the fattening, which can increase the meat production rate and increase the economic benefits of raising cattle. It has the characteristics of short cycle, high benefits, and is an effective way for farmers to shake off poverty and become rich. According to the experience of the rapid fattening cattle technology in the Dandong City Animal Husbandry Research Laboratory, this method is described as follows: 1. A reasonable breeding barn. Plastic greenhouses should be built on top of the high dry terrain, facing south in the direction of the south, with brick walls on the back of the barn and plastic film on the front. This structure can not only withstand the cold northerly wind, but also accept the warm sunlight, which is conducive to raising the temperature in the livestock house and promoting the rapid growth of fattening cattle. Second, select shelf cattle. The bulls of hybrid cattle breeds such as Charolais, Heyford and Simmental were selected for fattening, which has the characteristics of strong adaptability, fast weight gain, good meat quality and high slaughter rate. The age of the selected shelf cow is 3 to 6 years old and the weight is more than 400 kg. Third, scientific breeding methods. Prior to fattening, shelf cattle should be repelled in vivo and in vitro to increase weight gain. Nitrochlorophenol can be used to repel aphids, nematodes and trematode parasites in cattle. With the addition of oxime, ectoparasites can be eliminated. Simultaneously, the beef cattle weighting agent (zepanol) was implanted in the cortex of the rear ear of cattle with an implanted gun, and was numbered for future records. 1. Adaptation period (1 to 5 days). The shelf cattle that have just entered the stables should not be able to adapt to the new environment. They should be allowed to drink more water, feed more hay and feed less concentrate, and then gradually increase the concentrate and reduce the amount of hay feeding. Each cow was fed with 3.5 kg of straw, 5 kg of brewers' grains, 0.5 kg of cornmeal, 0.25 kg of soybean meal and cottonseed cake, 50 g of salt, 25 g of urea, 20 g of mineral additives, and 20 g of multidimensional pigments. 2. Fattening period (6 to 65 days). Diet formula: 2.5 kg of straw, 10 kg of brewer's grains, 1 kg of corn flour, 0.5 kg of soybean meal and cottonseed cake, 50 g of salt, 50 g of urea, 20 g of mineral additives, and 20 g of multidimensional pigment. If silage is replaced by silage, ammoniated or micro-grass forages (feeds increased from 3.5kg and 2.5kg to 8.5kg and 7.5kg, respectively), the fattening effect will be even better. Quantitative feeding should be done regularly. Each day should be fed once and twice a day. Early feeding should be from 5 to 7 hours and night feeding should be from 16 to 18 hours. First, a short, fresh, dry, mildew-free, odor-free straw is placed in the tank. After it is clean, the brewer's grains, concentrate, and various additives are placed in the tank to mix well. Urea is required. The cornmeal was evenly mixed and fed to fattening cattle. Drinking water was prohibited within 2 hours after feeding urea to avoid poisoning. The cottonseed cake was cooked 1 day before feeding, and the soybean meal was soaked in the container to increase digestion and absorption utilization. After the early feeding, feed the grass and then drink water. After the first feeding, drink the water and feed the forage. Each feeding should follow the principle of adding less ground. It is necessary to strictly abide by the rules for feeding and management and must not arbitrarily change. Fourth, careful feeding and management methods. Every day from 9:30 to 15:00, the fattening cows should be tied to the horizontal piles outside the house for sunbathing (forbidden in bad weather). The cross-pile is 30 cm from the ground, and the reins should be short so that the cow's head is affixed to the cross-pile to prevent it from picking back. The above method is to limit its movement and promote its growth and weight gain. Pay attention to observing the feces of the fattening steaks every day. The feces should be moist, glossy, and have a layer. If the black dilute feces is discharged, the feeding amount of the lees and concentrates should be properly reduced. Brush the body of cattle every morning to keep the body clean. The manure in the barn is cleaned once a day, ventilation and ventilation are in place, and a good sanitation environment is maintained. Promote its metabolism and promote the growth of long meat. The fattening cattle are weighed once a week and recorded on the books, so that they can know how to adjust them in due course. After about 65 days of fast fattening, the neck is uplifted, the buttocks are rounded, and the body muscles are plump. To stop the fattening, timely slaughter. (Institute of Animal Husbandry, Dandong City, Liaoning Province 118002 Zhang Zengjun)

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