Fullerene plus laser set off a new wave of cancer treatment

Release date: 2010-04-07

Researchers from the University of Florida have found that using a 50mW laser to heat improved fullerenes will create a new wave of technology in the field of cancer management.

The prototype of fullerenes is C60, a hydrophilic nanomaterial. Researchers have found that fullerenes can become a tool that works in certain biological or chemical reactions and is called "functionalized" fullerenes.

The researchers used a laser with a power of 500 mW, which was sufficient to start unfolding or disassembling the functionalized fullerenes when the laser intensity was 100 W/cm2. Researchers believe that when molecules are distorted and cause light, heat, or burning under different conditions, this process can quickly release stored energy.

In the lab, researchers inject a variety of polyhydroxyfulleres into cancer cells, and these fullerenes are safe for living things. The researchers then used lasers to heat the fullerenes, destroying the cancer cells internally. "This process will put a lot of pressure inside the cells, and after about ten seconds, the cells are destroyed," the researchers said. According to the findings, doctors are advised to use polyhydroxyfullerene to treat cancer to determine the location of cancer cells and then treat them with low-power lasers without harming other tissues and alleviating pain for cancer patients.

(Source: Kexun)

Wand Massager

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