Golden Pomelo Storage Keeping Points

In recent years, in order to guarantee the quality of Jinyou and extend the market supply period, in order to achieve better social and economic benefits, all research institutes and distributors have adopted a series of storage and preservation technologies, and achieved certain results. As a technology extension worker, over the past few years, the author, through his own practice and visits to dealers, believed that the preservation and preservation of Jinyou should focus on the following aspects of work in order to achieve the best results. 1. Pre-harvest orchard management: The best mature picking period of Jinyou is at the end of October. Therefore, there is a close relationship between the management of orchards and storage and preservation during the month from October to the day of picking. This period prohibits the use of highly toxic and high residual pesticides, and prohibits the use of large amounts of chemical fertilizers (appropriate fruit fertilizers with decomposed organic fertilizers plus a small amount of chemical fertilizers are appropriate), and no irrigation is allowed in the orchards 20 days before harvest. Individual extreme drought orchards should be used for irrigation. Horse water or leaf spray, otherwise it will directly affect the quality of the fruit and storage, so that pesticide residues in fruits exceed the standard; chemical fertilizer makes the fruit tasteless; irrigation water makes the fruit moisture content is too large to be stored. About 15 days before picking, that is, about October 15th, the orchard should be sprayed once. The emphasis is on fruits. The pesticide should be used with low-residue and high-efficiency broad-spectrum insecticides and fungicides. It is best to choose biological agents such as copper oxychloride and Leidu. Mil et al. Minimize the fruit's pests and avoid bringing the pests into the warehouse. 2, timely picking (1) the best maturity picking. The best mature period of golden pomelo is from the end of October to the beginning of November, when the accumulation of nutrients is highest and the transformants are also high. Soluble solids are more than 10%, up to 14%, and the flavor is also the best. (2) Best time picking. Should choose sunny, dry dew picking, can reduce the fruit's moisture content. According to the above two picking, the fruit has high maturity, less moisture, and storage resistance. 3, note when harvesting first to do one fruit and two cut, first cut from the fruit handle, and then cut fruit pedicel from the fruit pedicel shoulder, fruit handle can not be protruding fruit shoulder or transport, storage At the same time, it will stab wounds and other effects; second, it must be done with care, not throwing, throwing, and throwing fruit to cause mechanical injuries; again, it is to minimize the transport links, and it cannot be dumped mechanically, and it should be transported to the warehouse once. 4, storage preservation work (1) pharmaceutical preservation. The ideal preservation agent is Green South. The drug is formulated into 500 times liquid Sheng in the pool or cylinder, the fruit one by one or the whole basket into the liquid soaked and picked up. (2) Remove pests and fruit. After dipping, the disease and insect injury should be picked out, sold and processed in time, and can not be stored for a long time. (3) into the warehouse and air dry. Dip medicine into the warehouse, stacking height can not exceed 80 centimeters, open the window for ventilation and ventilation for at least 15 days, require 20 days, pomelo skin can be a little dry and soft. (4) Package storage. Unpacked pests and fruits were sorted out for additional treatment. The fruit is affixed with the logo of golden grapefruit and packaged in perforated ultra-thin vinyl bags. Please note that the punched bag must be used to pack such beneficial fruit and does not produce sweat. The stacking height is not allowed to be higher than 60 cm. Otherwise, the bottom of the fruit is easy. To form a cake, it is best to use a double-layer corrugated carton to pack and stack no more than 12 layers to better ensure the shape of the fruit and reduce the mutual infection of rot. (5) Storage management. After entering the store, Jinyou will close the doors and windows, and regularly check, especially within 2 months of entering the storehouse, should always check, keep the temperature inside the store 20-25 °C, relative humidity of about 50%, such as high temperature and humidity should be opened in time The ventilation of the window door is checked to check if there are any decomposing fruit and pick it up in time. Through the above technical processing, the storage period of Jinyou can be extended to the mid-June of the following year, and the flavor is more concentrated. This has played a positive role in the production and perennial supply of Jinyou.

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