Category: 201906
Peanut Covering High-yield Cultivation Techniques in Dryland

Peanut mulching cultivation in dry land is a new technology to improve peanut production, impr…

Probiotics industry as a national big healthy national strategic development plan

Probiotics are active microor…

Control of Tomato Early Blight in Sheds

Tomato early blight is also known as rosy rot. Tomatoes grown in greenhouses and in greenhouse…

Garlic cultivation techniques

The fine soil preparation site is selected for deep, fertile, loose and well-drained sandy soi…

Raising a rabbit seven note

First, raise the rabbit for the first time not to over-populate, explore and adapt for a perio…

Natural Antibiotic Resistance Genes Help Research of Transgenic Plants

A newly identified plant gene may change the way we develop transgenic plants, thus alleviatin…

Look at leaf color to fertilize canola

During the growth of rapeseed, different degrees of discoloration may occur in the leaves due …

Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Salty Barriers in Fruit Trees in Greenhouse

The increase in concentration of soil solution caused by salt accumulation is a prominent prob…

Identification and Control of Eggplant Verticillium Wilt

Symptoms Eggplant verticillium wilt, commonly known as "half-yellow, half-crazy," be…

Soybean molybdenum seed dressing can increase income

Soybean is a crop that is more sensitive to molybdenum. Applying molybdenum fertilizer on soyb…

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