Category: 202108
Kidney bean ultrafine powder processing technology

Processing methods for processing fruits and vegetables into solid fruit and vegetable powders…

The simple five strokes let you erase the memory of the pain

Scars are always a memory of pain. You want to not only look beautiful, but also to avoid …

Cancellation of “dosage with medicine” should guard against cardiopulmonary bypass

On April 18, the General Office of the State Council issued …

Local Chicken Breeds - Bashang Longtail Chicken

[Production Characteristics] The adult cock of Longtail chicken on the dam weighs more tha…

Spring skin disease does not do "flower face cat"

Spring is a beautiful season, but it is also a season of high incidence of skin diseases. …

New method of domestication of wild bamboo rat

At present, there is a lack of provenances in the bamboo rat, and it is not easy to transp…

Crab pond nest crayfish notes

Crab-pool crayfish generally have a good effect in the first year. In the second year, the cra…

How to cut the potatoes before sowing

Potatoes should be cut in the early morning or evening in cool and sunny weather. The cuts sho…

Pea planting technology

Pea seedlings alias pea tip. The tender shoots of peas are rich in nutrients, soft and sweet. …

Watermelon bagging cracking fruit

Causes of cracking 1. Usually the thin skin varieties and small varieties are prone to cra…

Industrial computer wants to grab business opportunities in smart medical market

According to Taiwan's IEK statistics, medical

Little common sense

Athlete's foot, commonly known as "beriberi," is a common disease in summer. In s…

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