Prevention and cure of cockle rot

Zucchini rot is an important disease of zucchini, and it often causes serious losses due to its main damage. Symptoms of the disease mainly cause damage to the fruit, sometimes damage leaves, stems and other parts. At the beginning of the onset of the disease, the fruit was oval in shape, with a dark, green, water-soaked lesion. Under air-dry conditions, the lesions were slightly sunken and spread unpleasantly. Only the subcutaneous flesh became rot and the surface had a white mold layer. When the humidity is high and the temperature is high, the lesion rapidly expands, the whole fruit becomes brown and soft, and the surface is covered with a white mold layer, causing the diseased melon to rot in the field. Leaves suffer, with dark green, round or irregular, water-soaked lesions. When the humidity is high, the soft rot is like boiling water. Prevention and control methods Agricultural control: The use of sorghum cultivation, avoid flood irrigation, timely drainage after heavy rain, melons can be put up after the melon, to prevent moisture infected. Biological control: Spray "5406" No. 3 agent 600 times in the field to increase the amount of antibiotics in the soil, inhibit the growth of pathogens, and reduce the damage. Chemical control: In the early stage of disease, spray with 14% solution of ammonia and 300 times liquid or 50% DT wettable powder 500 times, spray once every 10 days, continuous spray 2— 3 times.

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