Category: 202005
Reasonable choice of fertilizers for greenhouse vegetables

In the fertilization of vegetables, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizers, d…

There are ways to increase the number of counterfeit compound fertilizers

Compound fertilizer is one of the main fertilizer varieties used by farmers' friends. …

Rice to protect against cold wind

Cold dew is one of the main meteorological disasters in the growth period of southern late…

Fall pig attention "two defenses and one feed"

How to strengthen the feeding and management of autumn pigs? Now make some simple introduction…

Huang Hao

Astragalus is an evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Apocynaceae and Astragalus. The pl…


Following the wood, also known as wood, evergreen shrubs or small trees. Three to eight flower…

The crab claw fairy refers to false silk flowers (Photos)

Cactaceous orchids, immortals, and artificial flowers are three…

Three-colored morning glory

[scientific name] Ipomoea tricolor

[alias] Sky Blue Morning Glory


Guangdong Evergreen

Guangdong evergreen, also known as shiramus, is a plant of the genus Argentina of the Arac…

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