Category: 201908
Three-cultivation mode of cucumber, green pepper and cucumber

In recent years, farmers in Liu Village, Xiaocheng Town, Hancheng Town, Fengrun District, Tang…

Integrated control of weeds in wheat fields

First, the types of weeds and their occurrence characteristics
1. Types of weeds There ar…

Autumn wheat field good chemical weeding effect

Chemical weeding in wheat fields in the fall not only saves labor and labor intensity, but…

Application of Feeding Enzyme in Weanling Pig Diets

The application of feed enzyme in the diet of weaned piglets needs customer satisfaction: …

Cotton boron application technology

In recent years, the statistics of cotton boron fertilizers in various regions indicate th…

Five bad habits that damage farm machinery

Addition of engine oil

When many engine oils need to be replaced, not all of them are…

The Biological Characteristics and Artificial Seedling Technology

Nibea miichthioides is a genus of fish, and is a genus of the genus Apocynchus. It is comm…

Rice transplanter technology (2)

31. What is the easy way to lay a double membrane seedling bed soil?

Answer: After…

Food problem can not be said to have cracked

Editor: Yuan Longping, the father of "hybrid rice" recently accepted an exclusiv…

Mechanized farmland safety operation points

1 Reverse operations are strictly prohibited. When turning corners in the field, the machi…

Organic manure application technology for vegetables: manure

Feifei is an important accumulation method for the plains of the southern …

The key technology in turkey hatching

Turkey is native to the Americas and belongs to herbivorous, grain-saving, game and rare birds…

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