Category: 201904
Natural fresh bamboo shoot processing

The fresh bamboo shoots processed by the R&D department of Sichuan Cuiwei Food Co., Ltd. w…

Occurrence and Control of Peanut Field Rake

The morphological characteristics of the egg began to produce oval, milky white, produced in t…

Beef cattle pollution-free fattening technology

First, the choice of fattening cattle
1. Selection of breeds At present, it is recommende…

Peanut storage scratch three rings

The deterioration of peanuts during storage is mainly due to mildew, discoloration, oil runnin…

Drinking water must be "fudged" What are the misunderstandings about drinking water?

Everyone is paying more and m…

The cultivation and management of several herbs in autumn and winter

In autumn and winter, the weather changed from heat to cold, and the amount of rainfall decrea…

Pelican breeding

Huamian raccoon is a skin and meat special economic animal. The hornet's body is about 55 …

Help Yushu safe winter

Yushu is also known as the swallow palm. Although it is not surprising, the succulent plants a…

Pepper seedbed management

Before the emergence of pepper, the seedbed temperature is maintained at 28 °C ~ 30 °C, …

Fuji apple is not paralyzed before harvest

Before the Fuji apple was harvested, many fruit growers thought that the harvest was in sight …

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