Category: 201911
Muscovy duck breeding and management measures

Muscovy duck is resistant to rough feeding, fast growth, easy fattening, large body weight, lo…

Effect of RNA interference on down-regulation of osteopontin expression on biological behavior of gastric cancer cells

Release d…

How to cook processed animal fur

First, the processing of fresh skin

After stripping the hide, it is generally impo…

Cotton seedling transplanting technology

First, set seedbed seedbeds should choose leeward sunny, drainage and irrigation convenien…

Several key points for high yield of pheasants

Breeding good seed requires that the mother shank has a strong physique, weighs from 1 to 1.5 …

The principle of plastic trimming of open field grapes

The pruning method of open grapes must first be based on the conditions of the site, that …

How to raise good pheasant in summer

The pheasant is a wild rare bird, which not only has fast growth and development, but also has…

Pond cage breeding experience

Li Shi, a “great breeder of yellow crickets” in Niuzhou Village, Nan Da Shan T…

Farmers raise chickens four key measures

In recent years, the spread of chicken diseases has become more and more widespread. Altho…

Spring cultivation should avoid four errors

Crops produce high yields, and thoroughbreds are the key. On the eve of spring broadcast e…

Field Management Techniques of Cucumber in Harvesting Stage

First, humidity management:
At this point the outside temperature has started to rise, sh…

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