How to diet in the winter diet diet stomach diet taboo

The day is a period of high incidence and high recurrence of stomach diseases. This is due to the body's resistance to cold, its own resistance has decreased, and the stomach is prone to spasmodic contractions. Stomach is the clear stomach yin. Treatment of dry stomach and dryness, stomach yin deficiency. Symptoms of stomach burning or stomach discomfort, hunger, dry stool, dry mouth, dry throat, red tongue, little moss, pulse breakdown and so on.

As the saying goes, the stomach disease “treats seven points and raises seven points”, and the seven points raise should be performed on the basis of the three-part rule. After comprehensive examination and diagnosis, the systemic treatment is performed and the spirit is used for the nursed back to health in order to achieve an ideal therapeutic effect. The stomach is like a machine that does not stop working every day. Food can cause mechanical damage to the mucous membrane during digestion. Maintaining a controlled diet is the key to treating stomach problems. In addition, a high degree of mental stress is also an important cause of stomach problems. For example, drivers, construction workers, and office workers have a high incidence of stomach problems. Therefore, these people should maintain good living habits and spiritual pleasure.

Stomach therapeutic remedies

Chicken Raisan:

Chicken 3 grams, 6 grams of radish seeds, fried yellow into powder, warm water in three times. Stomach pain bloating, anorexia refused to press, nausea vomiting, vomiting pain reduction apply.

Eel pepper ginger soup:

500 grams of carp, washed slices, boiled water, add tempeh, pepper, ginger, dried tangerine peel, fasting food. Can not eat, weak, full stomach, cold is fat, warm and hi, according to the shape of cold limbs particularly appropriate.

Jiang juju drink:

Ginger 5, red dates 10, Jianshui behalf of the tea. Pepper porridge: Add 1 gram of pepper to rice or 50 grams of millet porridge. Suitable for cool stomach pain, cold pain, pale mouth, vomiting water.

lotus root starch:

15 grams or 15 grams of lotus root powder. Stomach heat pain, dry mouth, dry stools, hot hands and feet apply.

Laiwu Porridge:

Lai Zizi fried, powdered and porridge cooked in rice. Bloating does not want to eat, the mouth of acid rot is suitable.

Peanut millet porridge

Ingredients: 50 grams of millet, 50 grams of peanuts, 30 grams of red beans, osmanthus sugar, rock sugar and the appropriate amount.

Practice: 1, the millet, peanuts, red beans soaked in water for 4 hours, and then wash clean, stand-by; 2, the pot into the amount of water, add peanuts, red beans, boil, use low heat to cook 30 minutes; 3, put the millet, cook until the rice rotten, peanuts, red beans, soft, then add rock sugar, osmanthus sugar

Stomachs of the stomach

1, avoid nervous

When a person is nervous, annoyed or angry, their bad mood can spread to the limbic system through the cerebral cortex, affect the autonomic nervous system, directly lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, secrete too much stomach acid and pepsin, make gastric vasoconstriction, pylorus Deficits, emptying obstacles, damage to the protective layer of gastric mucosa, causing self-digestion and ulceration.

2, avoid excessive fatigue

No matter if it is manual labor or mental work, if it is fatigued excessively, it will cause gastrointestinal insufficiency, secretion dysfunction, hyperacidity and mucus reduction, which will damage the mucous membrane.

3, avoid alcohol abuse

Alcohol itself can directly damage the gastric mucosa, alcohol can also cause cirrhosis and chronic pancreatitis, which in turn increases stomach damage.

4, avoid smoke addiction

Smoking can promote vasoconstriction of the gastric mucosa and reduce prostaglandin synthesis in the gastric mucosa, which is a protective factor for the mucous membranes. Smoking also stimulates the secretion of gastric acid and proteases and aggravates the damage to the mucous membranes.

5. Avoid hunger and food inequality

During starvation, gastric acid and proteinase in the stomach are not food neutralized and have a high concentration, which can easily cause mucosal self-digestion. Overeating and easy to damage the stomach's self-protection mechanism; too much expansion of the stomach wall, food stay for too long will contribute to gastric injury.

6, avoid eating unclean

Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the important causes of gastric and duodenal ulcers. In ulcer patients, the detection rate of the bacteria is as high as 70 to 90%. After the ulcer disease is cured, the bacteria disappears. Ulcer patients can be infected through close contact with tableware, dental equipment and kissing. Unclean food is also one of the causes of infection.

7, avoid dinner fullness

Some people tend to concentrate their food and nutrition on their meals for the rest of the day, or they like to eat supper or have something to eat before going to bed. This not only results in unreal sleep, but also leads to obesity. It can also be induced by stimulating the gastric mucosa to cause excessive secretion of gastric acid. Ulcer formation.

8, avoid bogey

Food enters the stomach and is stored, ground, and digested, turning the food into a milky smell before it can be discharged into the intestines. If the chewing is not fine, gorging, rough food, it will increase the burden on the stomach, prolonged stay, can cause gastric mucosal damage; in addition to slowly increase the secretion of saliva, and reduce the secretion of gastric acid and bile, help protect the stomach.

9. Avoid coffee strong tea

Coffee and strong tea are all central stimulants, all of which can cause gastric mucosal ischemia through reflexes, destroy the protective function of the gastric mucosa, and promote ulceration.

10, avoid drug abuse

There are three types of drugs that can easily damage the gastric mucosa: one is acetylsalicylic acid, such as aspirin; the other is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as phenylbutazone, indomethacin, and ibuprofen; and the third is corticosteroids and other hormones. Drugs. Therefore, the use of these drugs should be avoided as much as possible. If it is necessary to take them, it is better to control the dosage and course of treatment. It is best to take them after meals.

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