Winter health porridge porridge should be accompanied by fruit and vegetable efficacy

Cook porridge

1. About raw materials:

The range of options is very large. This season, fresh millet and stick slags are just on the market. Chestnuts, sweet potatoes, red dates, water chestnuts, yams, and wolfberries are also available. They can also be added: various kinds of rice, red bean, yundou, and white fungus , raw peanuts, melon seeds, candied dates, raisins, lotus seeds, lilies, almonds, guiyang meat, walnuts, pine nuts ..... should pay attention to the order of the pot, not easy to put the first roast, such as beans, containing starch Raw materials; lotus seeds must first remove the bitter core; raw almonds, walnuts, the best blisters peeled to bitter after the pot; raw peanuts, oysters, lilies, etc. at the end of the fast-wear, in order to maintain a crisp feeling The glutinous rice kernel (also known as sago) must be soaked until bright, because it is good to cook, so do not need too much heat, you can put a few minutes before the pot can be.

2, before the fire to cook, it is best to put enough water once, to control the proportion of water, rice, do not add water midway, otherwise the porridge will diarrhea and thin, in the viscosity and rich flavor greatly reduced.

3, boiled bean porridge, the beans must not be bubbling ahead of time, otherwise it will not be able to boil; put the beans before the rice into the pot boiled several times into the cold water, the beans "excited" several easy to flower. Then put meters into it.

4. When cooking porridge, you should put salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence and other condiments after the rice porridge is thoroughly cooked. Finally, let the green vegetables (don't drown) so that the color of the vegetables will not change and the nutrition will not be lost. .

For good skin, put red dates in porridge;

To avoid insomnia, white porridge is added to the porridge.

Backache kidney qi deficiency, porridge put chestnut;

Poor heart, porridge and longan meat.

Dizziness and hyperhidrosis, porridge, plus ginseng;

Lungs and cough, porridge plus Lily.

Ufa made kidney, porridge and walnut.

To lower blood pressure, porridge and lotus leaves;

Yin and lungs are good, porridge plus white fungus;

Spleen to help digestion, porridge Tim Hill;

Shortness of breath, weakness, porridge plus yam;

To protect liver function, cook porridge wonderfully;

Dizzy hyperhidrosis, to drink barley porridge;

Conditioning platelets, peanut porridge;

Diuretic swelling treatment athlete's foot, red bean porridge Shengli;

Heat and fluid and stomach, sugar cane to make up the stomach;

Colds and abdominal pain, ginger to play porridge;

Nourishing kidney and eyesight, and simmering in porridge.

Fruit and vegetable efficacy:

Pears are good for lungs and phlegm, and apples have high diarrhea;

Cucumber weight loss is effective, inhibiting cancer kiwifruit.

tomatoes improve facial tones, Lotus root works wonders for hangovers;

Orange qi good phlegm, leek warm kidney waist.

Radish digestion eliminates flatulence, celery can cure high blood pressure;

Cabbage diuretic row of toxins, cauliflower eat less cancer.

Melon swelling and diuresis, mung bean detoxification efficacy;

Fungus scattered cancer blood stasis, yam kidney edema elimination.

Kelp contains iodine loose silt, mushrooms inhibit cancer cells;

Pepper cold and dehumidification, onion spicy ginger soup for colds.

Fish and pig trotters make up milk, Liver goat liver eyesight is good;

Yishen strong waist to eat walnuts, kidney and spleen to eat red dates.

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